If you read my ramblings please let me know what you think. Good or bad. Your comments will help me become a better writer, I hope.

Also if you have a piece for the writing prompts add them as a comment so I can read them. Please? :)

07 June 2010

I am nothing.

I am nothing. I have no name or purpose; I exist only because I am alone. When something invades me I become something also. Take the other day for instance; I was here all alone being nothing when a noise invaded me. The noise was followed by light which cut into me making me darkness. Darkness can not exist in the same space as light so as it grew stronger I became weaker until I had to move away or cease to be. The light became a door and then a floor and when that happened I became a darkened room that was being invaded. Soon I would cease to be until the door closed taking the light with it. Without the invasion of light I would still have no name or purpose. Now though I understand that with out me, darkness, light would have no purpose either.

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